=== Translate WP website - Weglot Translate === Contributors: remyb92, gmulti, wysija Tags: translate, multilingual, language, translation, localization Requires at least: 4.5 Tested up to: 5.2 Requires PHP: 5.4 Stable tag: 3.0.6 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Translate your website into multiple languages without any code. Weglot Translate is fully SEO compatible and follows Google’s best practices. == Description == The best and easiest translation solution to translate your WordPress website and go multilingual: Weglot Translate detects and translates all your content in any language and provides a unique dashboard to edit translations or purchase professional translations to ensure the quality of translations. With Weglot Translate, you can translate your site into a multilingual website with multiple languages in minutes without doing any code. Weglot Translate is totally SEO compatible. Weglot Translate follows Google's best practice in terms of multilingual websites to serve a translated webpage with clean source code. Every translated version of your website will be indexed by Google. Weglot Translate, a WP multi language plugin, is trusted by companies in e-commerce, SaaS, marketplaces, corporate websites, mobile application landing pages, blogs, etc. Check Weglot Translate in video: [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmZLvhWX29k] Weglot Translate benefits: - Fully compatible with all themes and plugins: Weglot Translate will translate every string in the page. - 60+ translation languages available - A unique and single place to manage all your languages and translations - Content automatically detected and translated: content is the only thing you need to care about. - You do not need to search for translation files (.po) or any other WordPress source files. - Translations constantly displayed in real-time - Access to professional translators if you need quality translations. - Optimized SEO in new languages with dedicated URLs: translated pages will have dedicated URLs, as Google best practice for multilingual sites. - Language switch button is customizable. Is Weglot Translate free? Weglot Translate is free for small websites (under 2000 words) with one translation language. Weglot Translate has Free and Premium plans available on the [pricing page](https://weglot.com/pricing), depending on your needs. You can always take the Weglot Translate free trial version to test it. Weglot Translate offers professional support to premium users to help them translate their websites. Can I migrate from WPML or Polylang to Weglot Translate? Yes, you can easily migrate to Weglot Translate. Simply deactivate WPML or Polylang to only have one multilingual plugin. Then start using Weglot Translate normally. If you need to import some translations contact us directly at support@weglot.com Does Weglot Translate provide support? Yes, the Weglot Translate team will support everyone. Post a topic on the [support forum](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/weglot) or email us at support@weglot.com or speak with us on our live chat on the Weglot website. Weglot Translate plugin is translated in Dutch, English_UK, French, German, Italian, Portuguese_BR, Russian and Spanish. More translations will be added. Weglot Translate, go multilingual now. = Help translate the plugin = You can help translate Weglot Translate plugin on [__translate.wordpress.org__](https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/weglot). == Installation == = Minimum Requirements for Weglot Translate = * WordPress 4.5 or greater * PHP version 5.4 or greater * Rewrite rules activated = Installation steps for Weglot Translate = Weglot Translate is easy to set up: 1. Go to [https://dashboard.weglot.com/register-wordpress](https://dashboard.weglot.com/register-wordpress) to set up an account. 2. Grab your api_key from your dashboard, it looks like "wg_XXXXXXX" 3. Find the Weglot Translate settings page on the bottom left of your WordPress admin dashboard. 4. Add and save your api key to Weglot Translate settings, enter your website's original language and enter the translation languages you want, separated by commas (for instance en,de,pt to have translations in English, German and Portuguese). 5. Choose the appearance for the translation button (flags, list or dropdown, translation language fullname or code). 6. Click on the Save button. 7. (Optional) Go to Appearance -> Widgets and drag and drop the "Weglot Translate" widget where you want it to appear. 8. Refresh your web page, your website is now available in the selected translation languages. You can switch languages to see translated pages. 9. If you want, you can edit your translations directly in [your account](https://dashboard.weglot.com/translations/) == Frequently Asked Questions == = Is Weglot Translate free? = Weglot Translate is a freemium plugin: it is free for small websites (under 2000 words) with one translation language. If you need more, you can upgrade. Details of our pricing can be found [here](https://weglot.com/pricing) In any case, you can try Weglot Translate free for 10 days. = Edit my translations = With Weglot Translate, you can modify translations in "Translations" in your Weglot [account here](https://dashboard.weglot.com/translations/). If you change a translation, it's automatically saved and displayed on your website. = The translations I edited are not displayed on my website. = All translations edited in your dashboard are automatically displayed in real-time in the translated versions of your website. If you can not see your new translations: 1. Empty your cache plugin: it will enable new translations to be properly displayed. If it's still not showing your new translations then: 2. Go into your Weglot account and check you edited the right translations: use the search bar (at the top) to easily find translations you want to edit. Sometimes you can have 2 very similar translations and edited the wrong one. = Change the appearance of the Weglot Translate language button = You can change one of the three set-up items in your Weglot Translate settings (with/without flags, horizontal or dropdown menu, full language name or 2-letter code) or overwrite the CSS. = Change the position of the Weglot Translate language button = With widget areas, you can drag and drop the Weglot Translate widget. Alternatively, use overwrite CSS to change the Weglot Translate button position or ask the Weglot Translate team at support@weglot.com. We will help you. You can also put the button in the navigation menu by checking the option in the Weglot settings page. Be aware that putting the button in the menu might change the appearance of the button a bit as there are already some style (CSS) rules active in the menu. You can additionally use a shortcode: [weglot_switcher] Finally, you can also add <div id="weglot_here"></div> anywhere in your code and a Weglot button will be positioned at this place. = SEO and translations = Weglot Translate creates a dedicated URL for each language to ensure the proper indexation of your translated content by Search Engines (Google, ...). SEO tags are also translated and editable in your Weglot Translate account. Translated pages will be on a sub-directory. = Translated URLs = Weglot Translate chooses to not translate URLs, as this could break URLs with non-Roman characters (for example, Chinese, Russian alphabets) and it has no proven impact on SEO. Finally, Google, Amazon, Airbnb, etc... are not doing it. = Translate image/video = With Weglot Translate, you can add different images for different languages. This is useful if you have text in an image and you want to display a translated image in your translated version. To do this, you can simply upload your other translated image in your gallery and then link it by going to your dashboard and searching for the original URL in the translations list. = Translation exclusions = You can exclude pages from translations if you don't want them to be translated or just part of pages by using CSS selectors. To do this, go in the WordPress panel -> Weglot settings page and use the field "Translation Exclusion". = Translation exceptions = You can create your own translation rules in your Weglot dashboard by clicking on Translation Options, allowing you to: 1. Add Exception Rules, such as "Never translate" or "Always translate" a word/expression in a custom way (for example, if you do not want to translate your brand name). 2. Use the "Search and Replace" tool to easily search for a word in all your translations and replace it with the one you want. = Support = If you have any questions about Weglot Translate, please post a topic on the [support forum](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/weglot) or contact us at support@weglot.com or directly using our live chat on [https://weglot.com] (https://weglot.com). == Instructions == Weglot Translate is easy to set up: [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdoBED8p3HQ] 1. Go to [https://dashboard.weglot.com/register-wordpress](https://dashboard.weglot.com/register-wordpress) to set up an account 2. Grab your api_key from your dashboard, it looks like "wg_XXXXXXX" 3. Find the Weglot Translate settings page on the bottom left of your WordPress admin dashboard. 4. Add and save your api key to Weglot Translate settings, enter your website's original language and enter the translation languages you want, separated by commas (for instance en,de,pt to have translations in English, German and Portuguese). 5. Choose the appearance for the translation button (flags, list or dropdown, translation language fullname or code) 6. Click on the Save button. 7. (Optional) Go to Appearance -> Widgets and drag and drop the "Weglot Translate" widget where you want it to appear. 8. Refresh your web page, your website is now available in the selected translation languages. You can switch languages to see translated pages. 9. If you want, you can edit your translations directly in [your account](https://dashboard.weglot.com/translations/) == Screenshots == 1. Example on front end: language switch button on page 2. Weglot Translate settings page 3. Weglot Translate dashboard, translation edition 4. Weglot Translate visual editor == Upgrade Notice == See changelog for upgrade changes. == Changelog == = 3.0.6 (28/05/2019) = * Add: Compatibility with WP Forms * Add: Reset postdata filter for custom URLs * Bugfix: Auto switch fallback * Bugfix: Custom url on is_front_page = 3.0.5 (22/05/2019) = * Bugfix: Prevent array key exists for Gravity Form * Bugfix: Save menu Weglot Switcher * Bugfix: Check DOM on json-ld and inactive by default = 3.0.4 (10/05/2019) = * Bugfix: Prevent errors due to the parser of the JSON-LD = 3.0.3 (09/05/2019) = * Bugfix: Weglot switcher on menu * Add : Translate all JSON-LD = 3.0.2 (24/04/2019) = * Bugfix: Fixed saving custom CSS * Bugfix: Auto detection of a bot (google, bing,...) * Bugfix: Compatibility with caldera forms = 3.0.1 (17/04/2019) = * Bugfix: API key check only if it does not exist * Bugfix: prevent array_key_exists on private languages for older installations = 3.0.0 (16/04/2019) = * New major version * Link between WordPress options and Weglot dashboard options * Bugfix: Fixed an error on the JSON translation = 2.7.0 (18/03/2019) = * Changed : Improve Compatibility with Caldera Forms = 2.6.0 (06/03/2019) = * Add : Prevent elementor ajax action on 2.5 * Add : Compatibility with Caldera Forms * Add : Prevent ajax MMP Map * Changed: Improved AJAX translation performance * Bugfix: No translate link on weglot menu item * Bugfix: meta og facebook * Bugfix: prevent undefined index on widget = 2.5.0 (07/02/2019) = * Add : Compatibility with Ninja Forms * Add : DOM Checker on input type reset * Bugfix : have the same menu switcher on the same page several times * Bugfix : Remove no redirect on hreflang * Improve DOM Checker meta content image = 2.4.1 (09/01/2019) = * Bugfix: undefined function if there is no antislash before the function ( \is_rest ) = 2.4.0 (09/01/2019) = * Compatibility PHP 7.3 * Changed : the language selector for menus * Add : Compatibility with the REST API of Contact Form 7 * Add [BETA] : Be able to translate the keywords of a search * Bugfix : translation of the empty cart on WooCommerce * Bugfix: correction of options on a multisite = 2.3.1 (05/12/2018) = * Bugfix : Button preview fail on migration for private mode = 2.3.0 (05/12/2018) = * Bugfix : Custom URL on archive page * Bugfix : Prevent error on translate AJAX * Bugfix : Href lang on custom URLs * Improve code quality * Compatibility SEOPress : exclude sitemap * Improve private languages * Add two DOM checkers = 2.2.2 (05/11/2018) = * Fix bug on change country flag * Change load custom css inline = 2.2.1 (01/11/2018) = * Fix bug when language was not passed on navigation = 2.2.0 (31/10/2018) = * Added private mode for administrators * Addition apply_filters * Bugfix : an ajax request * Improved compatibility with wpestate * Compatibility with mega max menu = 2.1.0 (25/09/2018) = * New feature: Custom URL * Bugfix : Translate AJAX with return JSON on error * Bugfix : Backslash on function PHP * Bugfix : Replace links href on JSON translate * Bugfix : Compatibility with theme use ob_start = 2.0.7 (31/08/2018) = * Bugfix: Ajax load media library * Improve choice original and destination language = 2.0.6 (29/08/2018) = * Add DOM checker to translate button value and data-value attribute * Update Weglot Translate setting page * Bugfix : email translation * Bugfix : external link with quickpay * Prevent auto redirect on homepage translate = 2.0.5 (09/08/2018) = * Bugfix : Fatal error if use weglot menu custom = 2.0.4 (09/08/2018) = * Bugfix : lost password email on WooCommerce * Bugfix : translate custom login page * Bugfix : uniq id on each button selector * Bugfix : no translate image on a href html tag with wp-content/uploads src * Bugfix : admin-ajax url = 2.0.3 (27/07/2018) = * Bugfix : Hide shortcode on non translatable URL * Bugfix : filter nav_menu_css_class * Bugfix : Redirect URL on checkout WooCommerce * Bugfix : CSS Flag on dropdown menu * Improve AMP compatibility = 2.0.2 (24/07/2018) = * Bugfix : Hide menu on non translatable URL * Bugfix : Hide widget on non translatable URL * Improve max file size HTML = 2.0.1 (19/07/2018) = * Improve flag style * Prevent cURL function * Solved nav_class warning = 2.0 (18/07/2018) = * Major changes on the plugin architecture * Adding developer functions & filters * Refactoring = 1.13.1 (01/06/2018) = * Bugfix: Error on the encoding of ignored nodes = 1.13 (31/05/2018) = * Bugfix : Improve filter words_translate to prevent matching part of words * BugFix : Bug in parser when ignored node had an attribute * BugFix : character limit on chinese paragraphs * Add : Update message for version 2.0 = 1.12.2 (04/05/2018) = * Bugfix : Limitation on the number of characters translated at the same time = 1.12.1 (03/05/2018) = * Bugfix : error for users with a version lower than PHP 5.4 . [] => array() = 1.12 (03/05/2018) = * Bugfix : undefined index on ajax call * Bugfix : Redirection checkout payment on WooCommerce * Bugfix : Register widget * Add option for AMP compatibility * Add filter for dynamic string = 1.11 (05/04/2018) = * Add new languages * Add new filters * Add Yoast Premium compatibility on redirect * Bugfix : Exclusion AMP * Bugfix : Redirection checkout order on WooCommerce = 1.10 = * Add new languages + add Oman flag * Can potentially translate email sent from admin * Add tags to inline elements to ignore when parsing = 1.9.3 = * Remove Freemius = 1.9.2 = * Fix Freemius assets = 1.9.1 = * Fix Freemius error when changing base dir * Fix wc translations when special characters. = 1.9 = * Fix login redirection * Add translation for Town, cities and other dynamic fields in WC checkout * exclude URL now accepts full URL and any blank separator = 1.8.2 = * Fix pb when permalinks has no ending slash * Add notif when plugin is not congigured = 1.8.1 = * Fix redirection on woocommerce = 1.8 = * Add new banner and icon * improve wc redirection * can now translate email = 1.7.1 = * Fix redirection bug on cart = 1.7 = * Add 6 languages * Translate microdata * New element translated = 1.6.1 = * Fix url when non standard characters * change freemius image = 1.6 = * Add Freemius * Refactor code * Replace api ur * Add several attributes to translations = 1.5 = * Add data-value, data-title, title attribute support * Add links in readme = 1.4.6 = * Add pretty selection of languages * Improve flags quality = 1.4.5 = * Add more i18n luv. Now we speak WordPress * Add Dutch, English_UK, German, Italian, Portuguese_BR, Russian and Spanish languages = 1.4.4 = * Update i18n and improve strings = 1.4.3 = * Compat with WP Fastest cache, improve RTL translations = 1.4.2 = * PHP 7 compat, add auto redirect feature, no more FA, no more id on switcher = 1.4.1 = * compat AMP, fix url bug on same language code than URL. = 1.4.0 = * compat precaching, URLs = 1.3.3 = * increase compatibility with other plugins and themes. = 1.3.2 = * change support email * exclude /amp, admin bar * language on starter plan = 1.3.1 = * Fix invalid links * Handles multiple weglot_here = 1.3.0 = * rollbackink parsing lib * fix srcset, dslash link = 1.2.8 = * parsing lib changed * fix several small bugs = 1.2.7 = * Adding Traditional Chinese * Fix og:url * scrybs = 1.2.6 = * Fix jpeg translated version * Fix moreclass and wg-notranslate on list button in menu * Fix ajax json with html in it = 1.2.5 = * Add other flags for english, spanish & portugese translations * Review style for translation button in menu * Add translation exclusion blocks by CSS selectors = 1.2.4 = * Adding Hindi & Urdu translation languages. * Adding version number on scripts. = 1.2.3 = * Code review and optimization = 1.2.2 = * WP Compliance = 1.2.1 = * Fix style on dropdown list * Fix link containing "admin" word = 1.2 = * New choice of flags made by professional designers for your translation switch button. Rectangle mat, rectangle bright, square and circle. Enjoy! * Add a "Settings" link under Weglot Translate in pugin list. = 1.1 = * Add naviguation menu hook to let user display button in menu. * Add possibility to show only flags * Show warnings if PHP version is under 5.2 or rewrite rules not activated * Rename simple html dom constant and handle no php-mbstring case * Fix front page show box when home dir = 1.0 = * Change portugese flag to brazilian, change limit message, starting 1.0 versioning as we reach viable product. = Older versions = = 0.1 = * First version = 0.2 = * Fix label and languages parameters = 0.3 = * SEO now completly taken into account. = 0.4 = * small fix on links = 0.5 = * Fix rules + add url = 0.6 = * Fix rules + new button design = 0.7 = * Add meta translation, + regex eclusion = 0.8 = * Add input button, fix small bug on link = 0.9 = * Check rewrite rules are always here = 0.10 = * Quick fix for PHP 5.3 = 0.11 = * Fix ajax, FB compat = 0.12 = * Handle WP_HOME = 0.13 = * General review = 0.14 = * Prepare for localization = 0.15 = * Change link to weglot = 0.16 = * Place button by default = 0.17 = * Fix vc_ = 0.18 = * Fix cdata = 0.19 = * Http api integration = 0.20 = * Fix PHP 5.2 compat with anonymous function = 0.21 = * Change ob order for compatibility = 0.22 = * More flexibility in destination language = 0.23 = * Can have multiple youtube video for different languages = 0.24 = * Fix some links that had multiple lang tag = 0.25 = * Fix CSS style + subdirectory WP = 0.26 = * Now support images = 0.27 = * Adding 40+ languages + fix homepage bug = 0.28 = * Change button to customizable widget, also fix bug https+wp_home = 0.29 = * Fix is_html, add US flag possibility, fix link beginning with coutry code. = 0.30 = * Fix style, add on-boarding to help users, add link to dashboard translations. = 0.31 = * Adding ajax support for full html, fix style, fix link with wp_home = 0.32 = * Quick fix on links = 0.33 = * Add ajax for json-html = 0.34 = * Adding chat support to help user set up the plugin = 0.35 = * Rework classes + add search support (form tag) = 0.36 = * Remove trial period, replace by free plan = 0.37 = * More info on errors, translation limit from api = 0.38 = * Fix canonical transated link, support RTL & LTR customization, WG logo to meet Wp standard, translate alt attribute, add possibility to drop button anywhere = 0.39 = * Fix LTR CSS, api v2 transmit strings type, fix regex escaping = 0.40 = * Add PDF translate, fix simple dom limit, uninstall hook, no </body> case.