=== WooCommerce Product Table Lite === Contributors: wcproducttable Tags: woocommerce product table, woocommerce, product table, wc product table, wc table view, wooocommerce product table view, woocommerce table view, wooocommerce product tables, wooocommerce tables, wooocommerce product table layout Requires at least: 4.9 Tested up to: 5.2.1 Requires PHP: 5.5 Stable tag: trunk License: GPLv2 License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.en.html Create WooCommerce product table layout with ease. Improve UX and increase conversions. == Description == * Create beautiful, responsive WooCommerce product table layout with ease! * Great for online spare parts shops, audio store, restaurant / takeaway menu, etc. * Powerful, intuitive editor to achieve professional results based on your needs! [Homepage](https://wcproducttable.com) | [Demo](https://demo.wcproducttable.com) | [Tutorials](https://wcproducttable.com/tutorials) | [Documentation](https://wcproducttable.com/documentation) | [Support](https://wcproducttable.com/support) | [Get PRO](https://pro.wcproducttable.com/) ## Important * This plugin requires at least WooCommerce 3.4.4 * In case of any issues please contact [[support](https://wcproducttable.com/support)] * The shortcode attributes will save you effort [[reference image](https://wcproducttable.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/2019-05-28_22-37-57.png)] ## WCPT vs Other WooCommerce Table Plugins *No other WooCommerce table editor comes even close to competing!* * Powerful table editor that is intuitive and easy to get started * Allows rows within columns — capable of creating more complex layouts than other plugins [[see example](http://demo.wcproducttable-local.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2019/05/2019-05-29_11-26-27.png)] * Massive set of elements and options to create a fine tuned user experience for your customers * Much larger repository of well crafted tutorials — video and text to help you at each step [[visit tutorials](https://wcproducttable.com/tutorials)] ## WCPT PRO *The most powerful WooCommerce product table plugin available on the market* Offers a larger, more comprehensive set of [[facilities](https://www.notion.so/WCPT-PRO-Features-88d026542a2245719a71c33649c3f3d2)] to create you perfect product tables. More facilities and potential than any other product table plugin. * Available at a discount right now — only $42 / license [[Buy here](http://pro.wcproducttable.com/)] * License provides 1 year of updates and support for 1 site * Keep the plugin with all facilities forever after license expires * Money back guarantee if you are not satisfied [Features list](https://www.notion.so/WCPT-PRO-Features-88d026542a2245719a71c33649c3f3d2) | [Buy here](http://pro.wcproducttable.com/) ## WCPT PRO vs Lite *Take your product tables to the next level and boost sales with better user experience* * See top 20 chief features exclusive to WCPT PRO [[view list](https://www.notion.so/WCPT-PRO-Features-88d026542a2245719a71c33649c3f3d2)] * More 3rd party compatible plugins [[view list](https://www.notion.so/List-of-3rd-party-plugins-compatible-with-WCPT-PRO-b6138e2590684cf49a198beb292aa3c1)] * Far larger pool of table elements to achieve the results you need * More shortcode attributes to save you work * More frequent and powerful updates ## WCPT PRO Application Demos *Note: all these PRO demos are importable so you download and use them right away!* * **Audio shop** * [Demo 1](http://audio.demo.wcproducttable.com) (audio tracks shop) * [Demo 2](https://audio.demo.wcproducttable.com/album-view/) (single album view) * **Restaurant menu / online takeaway** * [Demo 1](https://food.demo.wcproducttable.com/demo-1/) (compact menu) * [Demo 2](https://food.demo.wcproducttable.com/demo-2/) (coffee chart with variations) * [Demo 3](https://food.demo.wcproducttable.com/demo-3/) (wide table 1) * [Demo 4](https://food.demo.wcproducttable.com/demo-4/) (wide table 2 with images & variations) More demos will be added soon. If you have any special requests please write in! You can fully modify these tables in your editor for customized results. Please see [[tutorials](https://wcproducttable.com/tutorials)] ## WooCommerce Product Table vs Product Grid View *Tables help connect customers to desired products much faster and more surely that grids* See [[this example](https://wcproducttable.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/2019-05-29_11-05-37.png)] of table vs grid presentation of the same catalog. You will note that: * A table view offers a quicker bird’s eye view of the products than a grid layout. The information is easier to absorb in table format. * Tables allow customers to quickly sort and compare along columns which helps with easier judgement and decision making. * This leads to better chance of landing a sale with the table UI. Also an advantage over competitors. * A table view of products can also *supplement* a grid view where appropriate. ## Displaying product variations in the table * WCPT Lite offers a popup form to select product variations when a user tried to add a variable product to cart. * WCPT PRO offers a ‘Select variation’ element that can display variation option in dropdown or radio buttons inside the table anywhere you choose [[see documentation](https://wcproducttable.com/documentation/select-variation)] * WCPT PRO also offers a ‘Cart form’ element which displays the product variation form within the table wherever you choose. ## Product add-ons / product extra options WCPT PRO supports the official [[WooCommerce Product Addons](https://woocommerce.com/products/product-add-ons/?aff=16345)] plugin. This is the only supported product add on plugin right now. ## Audio shop * WCPT Lite [[quick guide](https://wcproducttable.com/article/audio-shop-quick-guide)] on creating a simple audio shop table. * WCPT PRO audio shop [[2 downloadable demos](http://audio.demo.wcproducttable.com)] * WCPT PRO also includes: * Option to download the preview file [[see example](https://wcproducttable.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/2019-05-28_22-54-15.png)] * Powerful mixed search, e.g. search through Track + Artist + Genre * Compact audio player that can be placed anywhere on table ## Online restaurant / takeaway menu * WCPT PRO online food menus [[4 downloadable demos](http://food.demo.wcproducttable.com)] * Highly customisable, edit based on your own requirements ## Wholesale / Request a quote / Min-Max price * WCPT PRO is compatible with several 3rd party plugins that offer such facilities [[see list](https://www.notion.so/List-of-3rd-party-plugins-compatible-with-WCPT-PRO-b6138e2590684cf49a198beb292aa3c1)] * In case a popular plugin you need to use is not compatible, please [[contact support](https://wcproducttable.com/support)] ## Translation * WPCT PRO is compatible with WPML translation plugin. First you need to translate your WooCommerce products using WPML on your site. Now any WooCommerce content in your table will be automatically translated on the front end via the WPML integration. * While using WCPT PRO, non-WooCommerce content in your table (like text in custom labels) can also be made translation ready. For this, you can use the shortcode [wcpt_translation default=“text” en_US=“English text” fr_FR=“French text”] anywhere inside the table to make the text translatable. ## Replace shop grid with table WCPT Lite allows you to create tables through shortcodes which can be placed anywhere on your site that accepts shortcodes. However, this leaves out the archive pages — shop, category, tag, attribute, search. To convert the shop or category archive pages you have 2 options: * **WCPT PRO:** Use the [Archive Override](https://wcproducttable.com/documentation/enable-archive-override) facility available in WCPT PRO. This facility lets you conveniently replace default WooCommerce grids with product tables on all your archive pages — shop, category, tag, attribute, search. The facility is located in WP Dashboard > Product Tables > Settings > Archive Override. * **WCPT Lite:** The alternative is to create a WCPT grid on a page and then use any WordPress redirect plugin that lets you redirect shoppers from your current shop page to that new shop / category page. However, please note that using this ‘redirect rules’ method may have negative SEO impact as search engines do not prefer such redirect rules. == Installation == = Automatic installation = Automatic installation is the easiest option as WordPress handles the file transfers itself and you don’t need to leave your web browser. To do an automatic install of WCPT, log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New. In the search field type “WooCommerce Product Table” and click Search Plugins. Once you’ve found the plugin you can view details about it such as the point release, rating and description. Most importantly of course, you can install it by simply clicking “Install Now”. = Manual installation = The manual installation method involves downloading the plugin and uploading it to your web server via your favourite FTP application. The WordPress codex contains [instructions on how to do this here](https://codex.wordpress.org/Managing_Plugins#Manual_Plugin_Installation). == Frequently Asked Questions == = How do I replace my default WooCommerce shop grid with a product table? = There are 2 ways to achieve this: 1. Use the **Archive Override** facility available in WCPT PRO. This facility lets you replace default woocommerce grids with product tables on all your archive pages like Shop / Category / Tag / Attribute. The facility is located in WP Dashboard > Product Tables > Settings > Archive Override. The process is simple and most themes are already compatible. To check if your theme is compatible contact [support](https://wcproducttable.com/support/). 2. The alternative is to use any wordpress redirect plugin that lets you redirect shoppers from yout current shop page to the new shop page you have created with your WCPT table. However, please note that using this 'redirect rules' method can have some SEO impact as search engines do not prefer redirects. = How do I create a new table? = You can find full step-by-step tutorials on creating different kinds of tables along with video and annotated screenshots at the [WooCommerce Product Table tutorial](https://wcproducttable.com/tutorials/) page. The process is simple and convenient. Absolutely anyone can follow along with the tutorials. If you have any issue at all in creating your product table, please feel free to reach out for [support](https://wcproducttable.com/support/) and I will bet happy to help! :) = Do I have to setup separate columns for laptop, tablet and phone? = Only Laptop Columns are 'required'. Tablet and Phone Columns are completely optional. Using the Tablet and Phone Columns you can fine-tune the table design for smaller devices. If you leave them empty, they will simply use the same column structure as the device above them ( Laptop > Tablet > Phone ). = How do I unlock the PRO features? = You can purchase a license for [WooCommerce Product Table PRO](http://pro.wcproducttable.com) here. It provides [several powerful features](https://www.notion.so/WCPT-PRO-Features-88d026542a2245719a71c33649c3f3d2) to create tables with fantastic user experience. It is available at an introductory price for now, so get it soon! [WooCommerce Product Table](https://wcproducttable.com/) == Screenshots == 1. Simple table. 2. List like table. 3. Narrow table. 4. Narrow list like table. 5. Admin screen - Columns. 6. Admin screen - Styling. 7. Admin screen - Navigation. 8. Admin screen - Query. == Changelog == = 1.9.0 (8 May '19) = Added * HTML and Text elements in responsive navigation * WPML compatibility [PRO] * Audio player shortcode [PRO] * Translation shortcode [PRO] * Remove from cart shortcode [PRO] * Quick view integration shortcode [PRO] * Custom field filter dropdown gets options automatically [PRO] * Attribute terms in the table can be linked to the filters in the table navigation [PRO] * Enhanced search including more target areas and weightage [PRO] Improved * Mobile detect used to only deliver device relevant markup * "Relevance" option shows up in the sort by dropdown when search is used * User can deselect variation radio button * ToolTip can have variable width based on content Fixed * Placeholder image issue = 1.8.0 (20 March '19) = Added * Cell height style option * attribute_relation="AND | OR" shortcode attribute [PRO] * category_relation= "AND" | "OR" shortcode attribute [PRO] * lazy_load shortcode attribute [PRO] * disable_ajax shortcode attribute for compatibility [PRO] * Dimensions element [PRO] * Advanced Woo Search compatibility on archive override [PRO] * Quantity input + / - controls and dropdown [PRO] * Import / Export tables and settings [PRO] Improved * Enter keypress in quantity input box triggers add to cart * Hide the 'Show All' option if it is left empty * Hide 'Extra charges may apply' text when deleted * Product form modal styling, especially with product options * Min-Max compatibility with 3rd party plugins [PRO] * Enhanced freeze column system [PRO] * Custom shortcode can be used in archive override [PRO] * Select Variation element enhancements - output template for non-variable products, hide stock quantity, hide out of stock variations, place radio options in separate lines, modify 'Select' text, style options [PRO] = 1.7.0 (16 Jan '19) = Added * Compatibility for several 3rd party plugins [PRO] * Duplicate table facility [PRO] * Price range shortcode attribute [PRO] * ACF fields are now supported [PRO] * Option to download file from custom field [PRO] * Open Title element's product link on new page Improved * Table editor > Columns UI is easier to navigate * Smarter table editor > Style settings UI * 'No action' option for product image * Warning for filter duplicates that will conflict * Improved style compatibility with more themes Fixed * Regular price on sale style = 1.6.0 (1 Jan '19) = Added * Variation dropdown and radio button options in 'Select Variation' element [PRO] * 'Cart form' element to show the add to cart forms inside table columns [PRO] * JSON-LD support on archive pages and via json_ld attribute in shortcodes [PRO] * Official WooCommerce Product Add-Ons support [PRO] * Show hidden products via shortcode attribute [PRO] Improved * Auto select shortcode on table editor pages * Better feedback on save error * Taxonomy term order now matches order from WC admin screen * Selecting different variation changes image & quantity input [PRO] * 'Label' option for 'Media Image' elements [PRO] Fixed * Sidebar filters now appears in responsive mode as well = 1.5.0 (29 Nov '18) = Added * Option to pre-open sidebar accordion to given depth * Convenient shortcode column in WP Admin > Product Tables * 'Select variation' column element [PRO] * Options to style individual terms [PRO] * Archive override option to replace grids with tables [PRO] Improved * Product image width control * Shortcodes are parsed in the excerpt element * Default styling of filters when display type is 'Row' Fixed * Sort by newness * Misc. CSS optimisations for popular themes * Media embeds are correctly loaded upon filtering / pagination = 1.4.0 (10 Nov '18) = Added * Option to print default WC price HTML * Option to print default WC button HTML from shop grid * Option to pre-open category accordions till given depth * New shortcode attributes to freeze left/right columns [PRO] * New 'Shortcode' element in columns to parse any shortcode for each product [PRO] Improved * New 'shortcode' column in the 'Product Tables' post list * Top scroller for webkit browsers on table overflow Fixed * Categories (nav element) are ordered by 'menu_order' * Products order by Newness/date issue fixed = 1.3.0 (21 Oct '18) = Added * New option in 'rating' element - output when no rating * Basic routing - url is updated as filters are applied * AJAX results are cached for better filtering performance * Validate WC and WP version compatibility * Essentials checklist when creating a new table Improved * Prices will now match tax settings in WooCommerce settings * Possible to move columns between device types in editor * Loading max 50 terms in custom term labels to improve speed * Improved style compatibility with several more popular themes = 1.2.0 (8 Oct '18) = Added * More shortcode query attributes * Results per page nav element * Random sorting * Sub-category accordion * Lazy load * Edit button style when out of stock Improved * Category selection in editor and front-end Fixed * AJAX malfunction * Include search in responsive navigation * Default strings for responsive navigation * Style compatibility = 1.1.0 (17 Sept '18) = Added * Content element for columns, along with word limit. * Shortcode attribute guide in popup. * Simplified CSS selector guide in popup. * Option to initial sort by menu_order. Improved * Detailed notice in shortcode output in case the table has not been created correctly. * Notice if 'Out of stock visibility' is checked in WooCommerce settings. * Green checkmark to close element editor popup. Fixed * Issue with saving table settings. = 1.0.0 (4 Sept '18) = Hello, world! :)