Version 2.1.6

* Added: My Payment Methods account tab
* Added: My Downloads account tab
* Fixed: Duplicate fields in Billing/Shipping account tabs
* Fixed: Date format in Account tabs

Version 2.1.5

* Added: Predefined Billing/Shipping fields
* Fixed: Change Role assign after subscription status change

Version 2.1.4

* Fixed: changed role notification

Version 2.1.3

* Fixed: AJAX vulnerabilities
* Optimized: JS/CSS enqueue

Version 2.1.2

* Fixed: JS on the subscription table

Version 2.1.1

* Fixed: Date displaying in the Orders table;

Version 2.1.0

* Optimized: JS/CSS enqueue

Version 2.0.9

* Fixed: Multi Approves

Version 2.0.8

* Fixed: New translate file
* Fixed: Change role on user canceling a subscription

Version 2.0.7

* Fixed: WP native AJAX handlers

Version 2.0.6

* Fixed: Templates include logic
* Fixed: View Subscription screen

Version 2.0.5

* Fixed: Account Billing/Shipping Forms Validation

Version 2.0.4

* Fixed: Save Account Forms

Version 2.0.3

* Added: Loading translation from "wp-content/languages/plugins/" directory

Version 2.0.2

* Fixed: add/change role on product purchase
* Fixed: change role on product refund

Version 2.0.1

* Fixed: Subscriptions and Membership Area integrations
* Fixed: displaying of “Total Orders” and “Total Spent” in Member Directories
* Tweak: UM2.0 compatibility

Version 1.0.11
* New: WooCommerce Subscription add-on compatibility
* New: WooCommerce Sequential Order Number add-on compatibility
* Tweaked: Update EDD Plugin updater library
* Fixed: Reset cache after completed purchase
* Fixed: Account fields security
* Fixed: Fatal errors in editing account page
* Fixed: Orders pagination in account page
* Fixed: Remove notices

Version 1.0.10
* Added: new options to hide shipping and billing tabs
* Added: shortcode support
* Added: translatins for save address
* Added: options to hide purchases/reviews from other members
* Added: new action hooks 'um_woocommerce_orders_tab_before_table_header_row' & 'um_woocommerce_orders_tab_after_table_header_row'
* Fixed: Fix woocommerce billing text fields
* Fixed: buttons translation
* Fixed: license and updater
* Fixed: remove notices
* Fixed: saving billing and shipping form fields

Version 1.0.9

* Fixed: Fix woocommerce billing text fields

Version 1.0.8

* Tweak: Plugin updater updated to latest version
* Tweak: Remove notes
* Fixed: Add select2 to billing and shipping country and state

Version 1.0.7

* Tweak: sync billing data from wc to um profile
* Tweak: sync um profile to woocommerce billing

Version 1.0.6

* Tweak: compatibility with WP 4.4

Version 1.0.5

* Fixed: bug with account details update

Version 1.0.4

* Fixed: WP Multisite invalid notice issue

Version 1.0.3

* Fixed: blank account page after WooCommerce update

Version 1.0.2

* Fixed: issues with billing/shipping update

Version 1.0.1

* Fixed: Issue with billing details update