=== Product Import Export for WooCommerce=== Contributors: webtoffee Donate link: https://www.webtoffee.com/plugins/ Tags: woocommerce product import, woocommerce import products, woocommerce export products, export woocommerce products, import products into woocommerce ,product, export, import, woocommerce ,csv Requires at least: 3.0.1 Tested up to: 5.2 Stable tag: 1.6.3 License: GPLv3 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html Easily import products into WooCommerce store or export WooCommerce products from the store. Import WooCommerce Products from any CSV to WooCommerce. == Description == = Introduction = Product import export plugin allows you to import or export WooCommerce simple products ( other product types such as variable products are available only in premium version). It is super simple! 🔸 Export Simple Products in to a CSV file. 🔸 Import Simple Products in CSV format in to WooCommerce Store. 🔸 Tested OK with WooCommerce 3.6.5. Highlights: WooCommerce Product Export, WooCommerce Product CSV Import Suite, WooCommerce bulk product upload, WooCommerce import products with images, import amazon products to WooCommerce, Export Products to xls. Pro Version supports both Simple and Variable products. = How does it work? = The WooCommerce Product Import Export Plugin takes CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file as input. You must create a CSV ( UTF-8 Encoded ) file and enter the product details in a structured format as explained in the tutorial. This is to match each field of CSV file to the field of a particular product that otherwise Admin need to input manually. For example: the post_title field gets mapped to the product name and the regular_price field gets mapped to the regular price of the product. For the plugin to work correctly, you must map headers of all of the column correctly and you must ensure that all of the fields you enter must be in the correct format. You can create the CSV from scratch or you can export the product to get the format of CSV. You can use a spreadsheet program, such as LibreOffice , Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice or Google Spreadsheets for creating and modifying the CSV file. Save this file with extension .CSV. After entering all details about products in spreadsheet, you can import product to your online store. With this plugin, you can also export and download product details as a CSV file. = Premium version video demo = [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBuf54rUakY&rel=0&showinfo=0]
= Premium version Features = Product Import Export Plugin for WooCommerce is the leading tool for Woocommerce product export and WooCommerce product import. Some of the major features are listed below ✅ Export/Import simple, group, external and variation products. ✅ Export products by category. ✅ Import/Export product reviews.. ✅ Various filter options for exporting products. ✅ Map and transform fields during import. ✅ Manipulate/evaluate data during import. ✅ Choice to Update or Skip existing imported products. ✅ WPML support for simple products. ✅ Import/Export file via FTP. ✅ Import from URL. ✅ Automatic scheduled import and export. ✅ Supports product reviews export and import. ✅ Third party plugin customization support. Please visit Product Import Export Plugin for WooCommerce for more details
= Product Import Export Plugin for WooCommerce Premium Features = WooCommerce import products & WooCommerce export products functionalities made easy. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-01qI1EZWE&rel=0&showinfo=0] = WooCommerce export products = There are multiple cases where one need to export WooCommerce products. It could be either for sending the details to someone else or integrating with a third-party system. For example, you can export woocommerce products as csv file in to an ftp folder on a regular basis using the cron job. This can be read by any third-party application to update its data. Export WooCommerce Products: Export and download product data in CSV file format. Plugins supports, WooCommerce Simple Products WooCommerce Variable Products. WooCommerce Grouped Products. WooCommerce External Products. WooCommerce Subscription Products. In addition, the plugin helps you export Categories, Tags, Products and other Product details into WooCommerce. You can export prices, descriptions, images etc apart from the custom fields (meta), taxonomies and attributes. = How to export WooCommerce products = It is as simple as clicking a button. But if you need to customize your export we have enough advanced customization options built in to the woocommerce product export plugin. = WooCommerce Import Products = WooCommerce bulk product upload is one of the main use case where WooCommerce product import functionality is used. 'How to import products into woocommerce' is one of the common question people ask. Our WooCommerce product csv import suite is the perfect answer for this. With is plugin you can import products from any xml or csv to WooCommerce. This saves lot of time and minimises errors. WooCommerce product import: You can use the import functionality to: Import by selecting file from your computer Import by providing file path on the server Import from file in a remote server via FTP Export Variable Products: Once you export variable product, you will have a simple single CSV which will have both variable and it’s parent details. It will help you to do any changes easily and enables faster import to any WooCommerce site. = WooCommerce import variable products = WooCommerce variable product import allows you to import all variations of the products easily. It imports all variable products and it’s properties from a single CSV file. This single CSV file will have both variable and parent data. WooCommerce csv import variable products is key feature of the WooCommerce product import plugin. = WooCommerce import products with images = The plugin facilitates easy import of images related to a product. When the products are imported using the plugin, the first image related to a product in the image column of the CSV file is taken as its featured image. If there are multiple images in the same column, the image(s) after the first one is taken as the gallery images of the product. = Other features = Export Products by Category: You can even choose desired product categories from the Plugin Settings Page and those Products belongs to selected categories will be exported. Export Products by Type: You can selectively export products belonging to specific product types. All you need to do is choose the required product types from the plugin settings page while exporting. Merge Products: This feature is useful for adding more information to existing products, for example when your existing products get modified. To get the modified product details into your online store, you can update the current product by importing modified product CSV file. Map and Transform: You can map the fields ( WooCommerce fields ) with column headings ( CSV file header ). To map, select the required field under "Map to Column" by using drop-down list for a particular column heading. An Evaluation field is used to fix/update the required value for the particular field. Cron Job / Scheduled Import Export: WooCommerce Product Import and Export plugin facilitates to schedule the Import and Export of the products. You can auto import the products at regular intervals from CSV which is present on FTP Server by providing starting time and intervals between import. There is an option to skip new products in scheduled import too. You can also auto export the products to FTP in a CSV file at regular intervals. There is also option to use saved mapping files for auto export. Supports WooCommerce Product Bundles Plugin. Supports Yoast WooCommerce SEO Plugin. Supports WooCommerce Google Product Feed Plugin. Supports Scheduled Cron Job. = About webtoffee.com = WebToffee creates quality WordPress/WooCommerce plugins that are easy to use and customize. We are proud to have thousands of customers actively using our plugins across the globe. == Installation == 1. Upload the plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory. 2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress. 3. Thats it! you can now configure the plugin. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Does this plugin support export/import of images? = Yes. You can import or export product images along with other details = Which is the best free CSV editor suggested? = LibreOffice. = Are you redirected to dashboard or login page while exporting? = By default, admin and store manager are given access to export orders from your store. Please visit How to export WooCommerce items without user role restriction for more details == Screenshots == 1. WooCommerce Product Import Screen 2. WooCommerce Product Export Screen 3. Premium Export Settings Screen == Changelog == = 1.6.3 = * Tested OK with WC 3.6.5 = 1.6.2 = * Tested OK with WC 3.6.4 and WP 5.2.2 * Content update. * Bug Fix. = 1.6.1 = * Tested OK with WC 3.6.3 and WP 5.2 * Content update. = 1.6.0 = * Tested OK with WC 3.6.2 = 1.5.9 = * Tested OK with WC 3.6.1 * Bug Fix: SKU check. = 1.5.8 = * Banner Update. * Content Update. = 1.5.7 = * Updates: Tested OK with WC 3.5.7 * Bug Fix:- Image import. * Support GlotPress(translate.wordpress.org). = 1.5.6 = * Updates: Tested OK with WC 3.5.6 and WP 5.1.1 * Bug Fix:- Updating Stock status based on stock quantity. = 1.5.5 = * Updates: Tested OK with WC 3.5.5 and WP 5.1 * Bug Fix:- Import process getting stuck randomly. = 1.5.4 = * Updates: Tested OK with WC 3.5.4 * Bug Fix:- Importing hierarchical category * Content Update. = 1.5.3 = * Updates: Tested OK with WP 5.0.3 and WC 3.5.3 * Bug Fix:- Image Thumbnail Regeneration error reporting. * Content Update. = 1.5.2 = * Updates: Tested OK with WP 5.0.2 and WC 3.5.2 * Optimized product image import. = 1.5.1 = * Content update. = 1.5.0 = * Tested OK with WC 3.5.1 * Image importing process optimised * Bug fix. = 1.4.9 = * Tested OK with WC 3.5.0 * Compatible with new meta '_low_stock_amount' which introduced in WC3.5.0 = 1.4.8 = * Tested OK with WC 3.4.6 * Content Update. = 1.4.7 = * Tested OK with WC 3.4.5 * Review link added in footer. * Bug fix. = 1.4.6 = * Tested OK with WC 3.4.4 * Bug fix:importing date. * Bug fix:- JSON_HEX_APOS on ajax post. = 1.4.5 = * Tested OK with WC 3.4.3 * Image import process improved. = 1.4.4 = * Sample CSVs are updated. * Enhancement: Improved parsing. * Updates: Tested OK with WP 4.9.6 and WC 3.4.2 * Fixed warnings. = 1.4.3 = * Updates: Interface updated. * Updates: Tested OK with WC 3.3.3 = 1.4.2 = * Updates: Tested OK with WP 4.9.4 and WC 3.3.1 = 1.4.1 = * Minor content updates = 1.4.0 = * Updates: Tested OK with WP 4.9 = 1.3.9 = * BugFix: Invalid argument for foreach loop = 1.3.8 = * BugFix: Product not importing at 100n. n=1,2... = 1.3.7 = * Fixed conflict with Plus version. = 1.3.6 = * Fixed some warnings. = 1.3.5 = * Minor Content Change. = 1.3.4 = * Updates: Added video tutorial. = 1.3.3 = * BugFix: Same title product import message update. = 1.3.2 = * Minor content change. = 1.3.1 = * Function modified for Woocommerce 3.0 Compatibility. = 1.3.0 = * Woocommerce 3.0 Compatibility. = 1.2.4 = * Marketing Content Changed. = 1.2.3 = * New Icon Updated. = 1.2.2 = * Minor content change. = 1.2.1 = * Optimization: Image URL parsing. = 1.2.0 = * Enhancement: German Translation updates. = 1.1.9 = * Enhancement: WPML Support updates. = 1.1.8 = * Enhancement: Security improvements and bug fix. = 1.1.7 = * Enhancement: Security improvements. = 1.1.6 = * Enhancement: Sample CSV updated. = 1.1.5 = * Bug fix: Improved parsing. = 1.1.4 = * Bug fix: Removed deprecated function. = 1.1.3 = * Bug fix: Empty check validation updated. = 1.1.2 = * Minor content change. = 1.1.1 = * Enhancement: Import products that have same title. = 1.1.0 = * Italian Translation added. = 1.0.9 = * Hungarian Translation added. = 1.0.8 = * Minor content change. = 1.0.7 = * Enhancement: Updated support forum links and contact details. = 1.0.6 = * Bug Fix: fixed issue with SKU while exporting. = 1.0.5 = * Feature: Added Multilingual support and French Translation. = 1.0.4 = * Bug Fix: Improved Evaluation field and help message in mapping section. = 1.0.3 = * Bug Fix: Sorting priority Set to ID by default while exporting. = 1.0.2 = * Bug Fix: Improved parsing while importing product price with currency symbol and thousand separator. = 1.0.1 = * Bug Fix: Fixed issue with Evaluation field with single quotes. * Bug Fix: Option to import gallery images. * Enhancement: Improved help text for Post name and Stock quantity. * Enhancement: Improved label text for Product type, category , tags and shipping class. * Enhancement: Included links to Documentation and sample CSV. = 1.0.0 = * Import /Export WooCommerce Products. == Upgrade Notice == = 1.6.3 = * Tested OK with WC 3.6.5